U0911M.DAFFYSELIXIR.M Classic English smooth base Daffy's Elixir c1870 attractive dark aqua, heavily embossed all sides "TRUE/DAFFY'S/ELIXIR//DICEY/& CO/No10 BOW/CHURCH/YARD/LONDON//Unlefs the Name/of DICEY & CO/is in the Stamp//over the Cork/the Medicine is/Counterfeit".In a combnation of serif and sans serif caps and lower case. Full original surface gloss, nicely whittled and lightly bubbled, good dark colour, smoooth whittled base, straight sides, rounded sloped shoulders int short tapering neck toppe with tooled applied collar lip. 5 3/8"high, 3" x 1 5/8"rect £sold
Daffy's Elixir