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T0101S.MAHONSEAL SANDG.PC   Coat of arms sealed long necked shaft and globe, iridescent and lightly vitrified stable surface. Blackglass (mid olive green), shallow kickup with rough sandpontil, c1670 marvered lower body shape, sloped shoulders into wide based long tapering neck, through wide saturn stringrim, well below everting sheared off refired lip. Coat of arms are Mahon of Strokestown, Co. Roscommon, Ireland. Sir Nicholas Mahon (d. 1680) was High Sheriff in 1664, 1666 and 1674. He was a loyal military commander to both Charles 1 and Charles II. This is also the earliest known Irish seal in private hands. In excellent condition and superb rare long necked tapering form.   Please ask for full researched document on this owner, family and fascinating history. 

Earliest Irish Sealed very long neck shaft and globe c1665/70

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